Bulk Spa Filters Canada

Buy filters in bulk or in case quantities and save!
Enter your filter model number in the search box above. If a set of bulk filters is available for your particular filter model, it will be listed on the single filter page as an option.
Spa filters should be changed out every year. You know how fast a year can roll around!
Eliminate future headaches and time searching for that filter again by ordering them in bulk.
- Saves Time
- Saves Money
- Saves on Shipping Costs
- Keeps Spa Water Clean
- Provides an Alternate Filter
Or add enough to your purchase to qualify for free shipping.
Popular Case Quantity Spa Filters – Best Sellers:
Multi-packs of pool and spa filters are available online (Amazon Canada)
Email us for bulk purchasing discount links: info@spafilters.ca
Providing an alternate filter for your spa while one is being cleaned in an overnight cleaning solution (recommended every 2 months or so to prolong the life of the filter media and open up clogged pores), your spa will not be left without a filter in it to avoid larger items from getting caught in the pump and possibly causing expensive repair bills.
When ordering in quantity, you save more money AND sometimes you may qualify for FREE SHIPPING.
Ordering in bulk may put you over the minimum order amount to receive free shipping which is often just $150 or $200. Even if you don’t qualify for free shipping because your particular filters are smaller = lower in cost, it still costs less to ship 4 filters at the same time (per filter) than shipping 4 filters individually , so you still save on shipping by buying them together.
Spa Filters Canada aims to provide the largest selection of spa filters in Canada – finding you the best deal on hot tub filters shipped directly to you.
Find out more about becoming a spa filter reseller.