Maintain Hot Tub Water Quality with Clean Spa Filters Bromine, chlorine and other spa chemicals alone won’t keep your water clean unless you also take care of the filter. Hot tub manufacturers recommend exchanging the filter every year. Finding a...
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Category Archives: Hot Tub Water Tips
Hot Tub Winter Fun in Canada

Many Canadians enjoy their hot tubs year round. While some may have “closed” the hot tub by going through the time-consuming ordeal of having to blow out all the lines, sometimes even adding RV antifreeze to the pipes and taking...
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Submersible Pump for Draining Hot Tubs

Many hot tubs come with a gravity type drain where you hook up a garden hose and wait hours for the spa to empty during a refill. Some hot tubs do not even have a hose bib to connect up...
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Ahh-Some How to Remove Gunk from Hot Tub Plumbing

With jetted Jacuzzi tubs, we all have heard of a product that foams up when added to water so that you can clean the lines here and there. Unlike a hot tub, a jetted bath tub may not benefit from...
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How to Summerize a Hot Tub – Winterizing a Hot Tub

Winterizing a hot tub is not on our minds as we bask in the summer heat. And the best solution is not to winterize your hot tub at all, but to run it through the winter. Sure it may cost...
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Spring Hot Tub Supplies Online

This year has been the “Deep Freeze” in the Northeast. The snow was already melting in Sochi, but around the Greater Toronto area, snow is still piled high in March. This year, Willie the groundhog was definitely right. As the...
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Energy Saving Tips for Hot Tub Owners

With the extended cold snap in the Northeast and the groundhogs all in agreement that we are in for at least 6 more weeks of winter, saving energy when using your hot tub can save you a pretty penny. The...
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How to Drain a Hot Tub in Canada

Most hot tubs will need to be drained and refilled every 3 months or so. Draining a hot tub can be relatively quick, or it can take half of a day depending on the draining method you decide to use. ...
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Fall is Hot Tub Season in Canada

The fall brings out the beautiful colours in our local parks, but also creates the perfect ambient temperatures for an evening soak in the hot tub. Before the snow arrives, home owners are turning their attention to winter maintenance preparations. ...
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Avoid Hot Tub Folliculitis From Your Spa

Hot tub folliculitis is a term that describes a skin condition that can occur in unmaintained hot tub water. Bacteria left to breed in the water can multiply unchecked and begin to infect hair follicles. Especially in the hot water...
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