Master Deluxe M40505 Replacement Spa Filter for Unicel C-4405 – Pleatco PRB25SF – FC-2387

The Master Deluxe M40505 cartridge filter for hot tubs replaces the Unicel C-4405, Pleatco PRB25SF and Filbur FC-2387 filter models. Master Deluxe filters are high in quality and use Reemay brand filter media for the best water filtration.
The premium filter fabric and rough ABS open grid design in this Master Deluxe filter maximizes filtration, more efficient water flow and longer filter life.
Buy quality Reemay filter media outfitted hot tub filters and soak comfortably in clean, filtered spa water.
Buy the Unicel C-4405 Replacement Filter on sale.
Most hot tub manufacturers recommend rinsing off the filter regularly and replacing it annually.
This filter is no longer available through Spa Filters Canada. See link above for Unicel replacement.